Please don’t cry,
Bid your teardrops bye,
Stop letting them find a way,
Between the breasts everyday.
Please don’t cry,
I’ll never tell a lie,
You’ll see tomorrow,
A new ‘me’ before you.
Please don’t cry,
I’ll be as bighearted as the sky.
Nice to read___ Mr Haque my good friend
You write truth which is always appreciated by humble bishu-- May your truthful writes soar above the skies.BTW Death is indeed the ultimate leveller.. Meaning the "coffin" poem.I truly appreciate the manner in which you portray naked truth in an artistic manner.The Telegraph is yet to print the Book Review
I had sent the Review more than a week back
Anyway I hope for the best.. Be well & happy friend so near ~bishu~
Thank you
Thank you so much dear Mr. Bishu. I'm waiting with my fingers crossed! If it's published, then it'd be a great news for me. Anyway, I'm really grateful to you my respected friend. :)
The pleasure is mine my friend
I still hope that TT will publish it soon Respected Dear friend Mr Haque