Thank You Mr. Zuckerberg

Thank you Mr. Zuckerberg,

For considering my suggestion,

To introduce,

The ‘Sympathise’ button.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I feel so glad today because I think the founder of Facebook Mr. Zuckerberg read my poem titled “Mr. Zuckerberg, Are You Listening?” posted on 6th December 2013 ( as 'Sympathise' button is going to be introduced soon. In the poem, I suggested about the 'Sympathise' button:


I even posted a status on Facebook on Aug 30, 2012 about the introduction of a 'Sympathise' button. The status was: I find it really strange or weird especially when someone clicks the 'Like' option even when his friend faced an accident. How can we 'like' this phenomenon when the concerned person is not happy? I think my Facebook friends must agree with me on this note. According to me, Mark Zuckerberg should think seriously about this and add another option just beside the 'Like' button. I suggest that "Sympathise" can be the most suitable option.

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a.griffiths57's picture

  Good luck with your idea


Good luck with your idea about incorporating a sympathize button, rather than like button covering it all; as it can be inappropriate at times as you pointed out, and I too have noticed.

KingofWords's picture

Thank you

Thank you a lot.

bishu's picture

Elated at your success Mr Haque my friend

Elated at your success Mr Haque my friend...



KingofWords's picture

Thank you

Thank you so much my dear friend. :)