When I will not be here,
Will you miss me?
My dear,
Will your eyes search for me to see?
When the cattle rush toward the farm,
Covering the setting sun with the flying dust,
Will you miss my arm?
You have to miss me, yes you must.
As the seeds wait for the sun’s ray,
For you my soul will gladly stay.
To remain earth bound
To remain earth bound after death, to ensure that your beloved is alright and misses you too. What a novel idea! Liked your poem very much and an enjoyable good read.
Thank you
Thank you my friend.
Oh yes ! But your loved one'll never admit it
Oh yes ! But your loved one'll never admit it
Why not?
There is more to love than valentine cards and Miss You messages
There is more to love than valentine cards and Miss You messages.These are the modern trends very much hollow (in my humble view)
The last line is worth a
The last line is worth a thousand words. As usual, I like this one too!
...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."
"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "
Thank you
Thank you so much. It's a pleasure receiving comments from you. :)
Uses of the Word "Soul"
I adore the last two lines of the poem. Nature compared to waiting like a seed and the sun. Rarely I find a sould image I like. This one works masterfully. Interesting use of tense. ~Lady A~
Thank you
Thank you so much Lady A.