
Your eyes so sweet, they sweep me off my feet.

Your touch so true, I don't know what to do.

Your look so sincere, I have nothing to fear.

Your smile so pleasing, like your always teasing.

Your love so deep, it's one I want to keep.

Your faith so strong, I finally feel I belong.

Your voice so dear, I feel your always near.

Your whispers so arousing, my heart is pounding.

Your kiss so passionate, I drop my safety net.

Your hugs so gentle, like a small burning candle.

Your smell so enchanting, it's all invigorating.

Your jokes so funny, it always hurts my tummy.

Your laughter so loud, yet you act so dumbfound.

Your heart so big, deep down you don't dig.

Your trust so amazing, don't go changing.

Your everthing, is everything I love about you.

Your my rock, when I need to be strong.

Your my life, I would gladly be your wife.

Your my soul, with you I feel whole.

Your hair so smooth, Your skin so warm.

Your hands so soft, Your legs so shaky.

Your voice shows your filled with love.

Your all of this rolled into one.

Your the only one to which my heart belongs.

This love I have can be nothing but true,

and sometimes I wonder what I'm suppose to do.

Your everthing is everthing to me.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

How I feel about my Husband Josh!

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