Look Through My Eyes

Take my eyes

And look at the view
See yourself 
The way I do
You see differently
You see imperfection
You don't understand
What you see in your reflection 
Just take a moment 
And look at the big picture
Your your own person
The perfect mixture
You have flaws
Just like I do 
And struggles you face
To conquer and get through 
Your like a puzzle 
Each piece reveals
It's interesting to see
How you think and feel
A heart so tender 
Gentle and kind 
Each day you discover
Something new to find 
Your a treasure
After Gods own heart 
He's got a big plan for you 
And its only the start 
Your unique 
And there's no other you
If I didn't have my best friend 
I don't know what id do
There's so much to love 
And more to come 
I hope you see 
Where I'm coming from 
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Jesster's picture


Awe! I like this ... :)

Copyright © JessterStarshine

allets's picture

Cute Light Read

Welcome to PP - I know where you're coming from. ~~A~~