Facing the Tide

i stand facing a tide 

receding one way

while my hairline 

recedes the other


though, for me, 

there'll be no 

getting younger

that ageless tide 

will come back in tomorrow

and i'll walk the shore

searching for pieces

of the shipwreck

that took you

many blanketed moons ago

many wretched storms 


in my life

though there are 

no pieces to mend

that'll i'll ever

hope to find

i'll continue 

to end each day

the very same way 

as i must today



 facing the tide


from my empty hands

having spent all day

sifting through foam and sand

searching for a graspless 

piece of mind

a stranded,

washed up survivor

of a ghost ship that wrecked -

just a dream

may be all you were

but no one can convince 

me that you didn't chart my course


that you weren't destroyed


i stand facing the tide

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The circularity between the

The circularity between the first and last lines suggests the tide's regularity, and the short lines seem like the movement of the tides along the shore.  That gives a great underscore to the subject matter of the poem, a way to visualize the metaphor while reading its powerful presentation in the poem.

Starwardist [fka Starward]

lyrycsyntyme's picture

I love and appreciate that

I love and appreciate that you picked up on that! At the onset of writing this, it came along quite naturally and without thought, just trusting the feeling of the flow, and then I became more conscience of it as the got deeper into the poem. Just being in the metaphor and hearing the waves of the tide - having grown up and lived much of my life close to the shore - created a sort of back beat, poetically speaking.