The First Morning, Post-Civilization


predicted winter

but this feels more like

elements of spring

meet elements of autumn


calmly stroll
through gravity
autumn leaves
filling streams
calmly flow
there's no place to rush
no more tasks
chasing ruins


hello sun
hello earth
hello rain
wash away the stain of control


changing season
scraping off blood
come splash in the mud
freed children
from the grips of the mold


calmly roll
through the reborn
filling streams
flags pointless now
tributaries flush
no more masks

hiding ruins

hello sun
hello earth
hello rain
wash away the stain of control


an illusion
painted off blood
come splash in the mud
freed children
from the grips of the mold


calmly stroll
through gravity
autumn leaves
filling streams
calmly flow
there's no place to rush
pull down masts
chasing ruin


i am going
where water takes me
no more rowing
against the tide
now that mankind
no longer,
no longer
...can seek to control it

i am going

where water takes me


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allets's picture

"Calmly stroll /through

"Calmly stroll /through gravity" You have a knack for the never before said. Refreshing! The freedom break-out ending yes! 




lyrycsyntyme's picture

Thank you. : ) Somehow I

Thank you. : ) Somehow I knew, when posting this one, that if no one else, you would appreciate that line pair.