Goin' 1950's Retro

shiny new conformity
completely glazed over, the look


don't dare customize paint colors
here are your choices of diversity


oh, and we only have one model
for your type of vehicle


here's the manual, here's the laws
note the speed limit, as well
..if you can't afford to re-make the rules


buckle up,
we're goin' nineteen fifties retro

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Pungus's picture

To me this is a pleasant

To me this is a pleasant metaphor

peace, pot, tequila shot

Jesus loves us, stoned or not

lyrycsyntyme's picture

The responses here and

The responses here and elsewhere that I've received thus far have been intriguing.

Pungus's picture


My brain is a very happy puppy

peace, pot, tequila shot

Jesus loves us, stoned or not

word_man's picture

a slow and peaceful time in

a slow and peaceful time in history two colors lol blak or white

ron parrish

lyrycsyntyme's picture

Mhm, two colors, indeed.

Mhm, two colors, indeed.

word_man's picture

well maybe 5 but what the

well maybe 5 but what the hell 2 sounded good

ron parrish

lyrycsyntyme's picture

Indeed, I follow."This or

Indeed, I follow."This or that" is a simplified code for a very limited set of options; )

word_man's picture



ron parrish

lyrycsyntyme's picture

If only bumper stickers were

If only bumper stickers were a thing in the 1950's. "This or that" could have been on everyone's car :)

word_man's picture

well the 50`s invited buper

well the 50`s invited buper stickers

ron parrish

lyrycsyntyme's picture

I had no idea. Just read a

I had no idea. Just read a little snippet on it, after reading your response. Apparently a post-WW2 surplus of sticky paper and flourescent paint bred inspiration. Now if only the first such sticker was "Save the bumper stickers, no more wars!" Unless, of course, it was and I am unaware of that, as well ; )

word_man's picture

no more wars , thats where

no more wars , thats where they make that money,,wars since the beginnig of time,and till the end of time

ron parrish

lyrycsyntyme's picture

Yea, but maybe that's because

Yea, but maybe that's because we never connected the dots before. ; ) If only the profiteering war mongers had known all that we were losing out on so many bumper stickers. All of those hours sitting behind their limo drivers in traffic with nothing to do could have been filled with reading bumper stickers, rather than dreaming up wars to bring down the price of black gold by 1 cent. :)

allets's picture


  • Line from racing horse movie, "You could have any color car you wanted, so long as it was black." This is a Detroit poem. Recognzed the source immediately. Horse power motivates these lines, and "I can't drive 55." meets  "She's my little deuce coupe" or "Mustang Sally." I am a child of the 50's, a woman of the 60's and now have Continental Kit rust in my veins. If no one is looking, rules smules!
  • ~S~
    p.s. And what ron said.



lyrycsyntyme's picture

"You could have any color car

"You could have any color car you wanted, so long as it was black."

: ) I do remember this line quite well, though I can't recall the film it's from. And, of course, you've covered much of the other relavent classics to the vehicular era of the 50's.

How do you make out on passing through metal detectors? I've no idea if car rust disguises itself well from the scanning eyes of The Man.

word_man's picture

and fender skirts

and fender skirts

ron parrish