The Truth Is

the truth is somewhere between

and beyond

us all


every time 

within a life

we change our mind

we're sure we're right

this go round


but in raging flight

drawing the line

please realize

that you tomorrow might

hate this you


your opponent is in your shoes

and you are within theirs

what's with all of the 

condescending stares?


the truth is somewhere between

and beyond

us all


till we

get along

the puzzle can't be solved

till we

simmer branding

till unbridled

certainty dies

we can't unite


the truth is somewhere between

and beyond

us all


our own histories and growth

if we can say we've grown at all

prove we can not possibly


know it all

so even if we're 90 percent right

and they're 90 percent wrong

that means we still need to listen closely

cause we'll need that 10 percent

to ever



fix our world

to ever



fix our damaged, wobbly home


but perhaps it's merely winning

that this is all about?

tell me it isn't merely winning 

that you're passionate about?


the truth is somewhere between

and beyond

us all


till we

get along

the puzzle can't be solved

till we

simmer branding

till unbridled

certainty dies

we can't unite


the truth is somewhere between

and beyond

us all


you may be right on some or all of this,

i'm listening

she may be right on some or all of that,

are we sure?

I may be right on some of all of this,

are you listening?

though i'm sure, sometimes,

i'm wrong

the truth is somewhere between

and beyond

us all


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Critiques of all kinds, as always, greated appreciated and welcomed.

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S74rw4rd157's picture

The way you have structured

The way you have structured this poem, with the repeated refrain, gives it a sound of authority as the message is conveyed

Starwardist [fka Starward]