The boy who has the girl

Is it bad that I like someone not single for 7 months?

Is it sad I let go the boy who sweetly held me in his arms?

I find it funny I mess up everything to stumble upon my path

But I warned them

Oh I warned them

They'd soon suffer my wrath.

But I want the boy

Who holds his girl. 

Seeing them together makes me curl

Into a ball where I shall hide 

The tears I shed

The ones I cried. 

Part of me screaming let them be!

The other pleading, please want me...

I want him to hold me

As he does her.

I had no warning for the feeling's that'd occur.


Wet streaks overflowing

Lull me to sleep

Will tomorrow be new?


I do not think.

Because my thoughts I carry with me.

They don't just fade away.

They make me go insane.

I would kill them

If I may.


Why can't my mind go silent?

I need a simple switch 

One that'll fix 

One that'll kick

One that'll unhitch this bitch inside my brain.

The one that makes me go insane.


I can't control these thoughts

These feelings.

I will not hope for a time of healing.

Listen far

Listen near

What I'm about to say

Won't affect your day 

But what no one knows is that I'm NOT OKAY!

I'm an attention seeker

No doubt I'll hear it.

I'll believe it 

Once they can clear IT.

IT being my brain

The boys all the same.

IT being school

Oh so cruel.

IT being emotion 

I'm such a fool.

IT being home

IT being here

The beach here I come 

No I do not fear.

Just take me away

From this place 

From this pain.

If I talk about it more

Well ya know

I'll go insane.


Sanity is for the fakes

The ones who cake their face

Not with makeup 

But with smiles 

Just so people will stay a while.


Bullshit I say.

Bullshit is this world.

For all I've left to say

I want the boy who has the girl.





allets's picture

It Shoulda Been Me

is a song by Gladys Knight - oldie: "Wait, wait, stop the just marryin; her for spite. If she knew the inside story, she'd tell you what you doin' just ain't right." or The Temps: "I told him that a girl by the name of Pearl was lookin' for him. When you turned around he was nowhere to be found, so here I am..." a great theme - It shoulda been me, aughta be me. Hope reigns :D