To love, to fear


What do I have to fear but fear itself?

It's not fear that sends me running. No far from it.

I could face the dark and the monsters within a million times over

before I could ever give in 

to love.


My fear is to love. To be open. To be vulnerable. 

To lose myself completely in a feeling. In a person.

No. That I could never do.

It expects so little and takes so much

to love


Who in all the world could gain my trust?

Who in all the world could destroy these walls I've worked so hard to build?

No one that I have experienced. No one that I've ever tasted on my lips

could make me feel safe in their embrace

as for me and my eyes its not worth it

to love


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I feel the same way

I feel the same way

Copyright © JessterStarshine