All About You

I tried to get to know you,

I tried to be your freind,

we knew it wouldn't work out,

with each message we did send.

Every time it got worse,

and harder everyday,

saying goodbye dragged on and on,

we said it every way.

Some days it was difficult,

when you or I was sad,

we then made friendship flourish

our friendship made us glad.

You made me long for so much,

and you made me care,

for always you were listening

and telling me you're there.

I love to feel your hands,

and listen to your voice,

I love it when you tickle me,

these all make me rejoice.

I love it when I feel your heart,

beating, beating fast,

I love it when you look at me,

as if you found me at last.

I love it when you say sweet things,

but still know how to listen,

I love it when you show emotion,

and then your eyes will glisten.

I love all of these things and more,

you know that this is true,

the reason I love all of these things,

is cause-- well, I love you!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

You waited for its my turn :]

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Alexi Farimir Derevko's picture

What a really sweet piece of writing. I hope to find that someday. Gave me a warm feeling when I finished reading. ^_^

Alan Cheng's picture

I honestly thought that this was beautifully written and I really loved it!! =)

Sarah Wratten's picture

I really do love this and can relate to it on such a personal level. It's so true the way the other person just wants to be friends, and it doesn't half hurt that they know how you feel but don't care.

I love the way you bring the truth of the matter right to the front in this, is well and truly beautiful x