wut is edyucashun eneemore?
it dussent seem to mater...
to me, it is importint
becuz i want to be smart.
thu guvermint sez itz not importint.
o, not bie werdz,
but bie wut thay do to it.
thay tak awae thu muney
thay tak awae mie teechr,
thay tak awae everee theeng importint
for mie edyucashun.
i cant be smart eneemor
cuz thay tak it frum mee.
wi? wi isent it importint eneemor?
thay onle destroi thu necst jenerashun!
noe wun wil be smart enuf to go to skool.
noe wun wil be abel to go to cawlige.
noe wun can have a famlee eneemor
cuz thay wont be abel to aford a famlee.
wut is edyucashun eneemor?
it duzent mater to eneebudee now...
peepol dont cair cuz thay hav uther stuf.
wut is thu poynt of lyf??
if not edyucashun...
wut mor is ther to enjoi so peepol can be hapy?
ignorants is blis or so iv bin told...
wel itz cleer that thu persen
hoo sez that isent ignorint!
he sez that but duzent hav to sufer frum that!
he duzent no how that fealz!
and wut blis can come frum not noing?
not noing wich way yu can tern wen yur in trubol?
not noing wut to do or wen theengz wil be beter?
not noing if yu can sav yur famlee frum hungr
and therst
and Deth...
thay say tiz a grat place,
this umericuh...
but with owt edyucashun...
we shal be a hoples nashun.
we shal be swalowd up in thu biter cold
of deefeet!
we shal loos rane over al we cuntrol...
loct in torintz uf dispar-
noe hop uf rescyu,
noe hop of compinsashun,
noe hop uf beelonging,
noe hop uf hapeenes...
noe hop for our cuntree,
noe hop for our freedum,
noe hop for famlees-
interesting way you presented your piece. I found it quite funny...but I do see your point...