Why Do We Let This Be

Song Lyrics

Verse 1
Rise and shine

To the same old thing
After the same old
Night of bad dreams
Day after day

All the bloody time
Wondering why
You put up
With such stupid things
Good question
Tell me friend
Why do you

The world is backwards
Why do we let it be
Hate is love
Ect. yadda yadda
WTF and why though
Why do we let it be

Verse 2
Everyday we wake
Wishing we hadn't
For reasons

Brought on ourselves
That continue

Because we let them happen
And all day long
The same old song

We bitch instead
Of learning our lesson
So I ask you again
Why do we let this be


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patriciajj's picture

I imagined these striking

I imagined these striking lyrics pounding and thrashing in compatible waves of sound, and they came to life: powerful, unrelenting and unapologetic life! You have an instinctive gift for lyrics that deserve to be heard and not just read, but I feel fortunate to receive them in any form I can. 


The question you ask is one that rattles in my own mind at every turn, and the way you spilled it in this deluge of frustration and social consciousness is knock-out brilliant. Bravo!

LittleLennonGurl's picture

Wow honestly thank you!!

That means more than you know. Thank yo uso much!!


lyrycsyntyme's picture

Great question

A song worth singing, for sure.

LittleLennonGurl's picture


Thank you!!

lyrycsyntyme's picture

You're quite welcome. 

You're quite welcome.