Verse 1
You are worth it
Fuck those
Who have the nerve
To say you aren't
What do they know
They don't know
Your heart
And until they do
Their opinion
Means nothing
So keep on
Being amazing
And following
Your heart
For it truly knows
The incredible
Person you are
And if you treat it right
Will never steer you wrong
The world
Is cruel
Always trying
To beat others down
But you aren't them
So be the one
That stands up
To all of them
The one who
Shows them
What life is really about
Verse 2
Be you
The true you
And show those haters
The incredible person
They are missing
Because they
Refused to see you
Rise above their hatred
And make them
Regret it
By simply
Being awesome
Then walk away
And leave them
In the past
Where they belong
Because they
Had their chance
And your future
Has just begun
So live it up
And make it a great one
Copyright © JessterStarshine