Happy Birthday Jill

Happy Birthday
To my friend Jill
If she can't
Make your day

Then nothing will
Beautiful and brilliant
Goofy and weird like me
Spend even five minutes with her

And you will understand
Why so many love her
Health issues
That would ruin 
Anyones spirit
But no not Jill
You have to admire her
That spirit and 
Unbreakable will
Lights up every room
She walks into
And just makes 
Everyday better
So here's to you Jill
My beautiful friend
Who always reminds me
To be and how to be positive
No matter what
Love ya Jill
It's your day
And I hope you live it up
And it's the best ever
Because you totally deserve it
Happy Birthday Jill

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Happy B'day Jill

Happy B'day Jill
