Pretty in Red...

I'm ashamed of what I've done,

As the blood trickles down my arm.

Negative thoughts start to spin around my head,

But then again, I'm pretty in red.

I'm crying out on the bathroom floor,

I can't take this stress anymore.

I'm thinking I'd be better off dead,

I'm figuring out, I'm pretty in red.

The blood starts to drip, onto the ground,

Everything seems to be bringing me down.

I'm laying in, the already made bed,

I understand now, that I'm pretty in red.

With the knife on the ground, and my tears on my cheeks,

I'm beginning to think, this world has me beat.

But don't get too worried, this is all in my head,

But I still think I'd be, pretty in red.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Don't freak out, I am ok. If you start seeing scars, then you can worry. Until then, shut up.

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Joel's picture

red RED ReD rEd
take care of yourself.


"You think Einstein walked around thinking everyone was a bunch of dumb-shits?"

poetvg's picture

i like this poem

Beth's picture

Dude this is know me. I just don't know if you can think of the right Beth lol...I go to Jubilee if that helps ( I'm sure it does) Anyways, I just HAD to tell you that I think you are an excellent writer with alot of potential. I hope all is well, and I'd love to see more of your stuff. Later

Joel's picture

I love this poem.I love blood :-9 . I love Red! Better be okay though. It's all in your head ;-)

"You think Einstein walked around thinking everyone was a bunch of dumb-shits?"