Shadows of Minnesota

Yes I remember Minnesota

or is it her shadows I see?

Minnesota, a mourning mother

She gave birth to a thousand

clear glass boxes.

Her innocents were trapped there

under a thousand sheets of steely ice.

Yes I remember Minnesota.

Her smell was one of incense

a subtle cinnamon

a foggy taste from Grandma's musty attic

I remember her fumbling

with her thick embroidered quilts

which folded ceaselessly in upon themselves.

Yes I remember Minnesota.

Her shadows still silently grow.

Her blue fire gives birth to everything.

Her longing is a second snow.

Her winter always masquerades as spring.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

One of a series of poems about my family.

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Melissa Kraemer's picture

I agree, this work is definetly a great description on MN and what it means to you personally too. I live in this great big ice cube and i could really feel what you were saying. Great use of words

J-C4113d's picture

I very rarely enjoy geographical poems, or poems of "place," but this poem really changed my mind about that particular genre. This poem is dynamic in its understated, conversational tone that conveys so much of the essence of Minnesota. The final line is especially beautiful and well-placed!


Reggi Owens's picture

very nicely written and very mind provoking