I Waited for You to Discern Me

I waited for you to discern me.


I may not know love by name,

But I know her secrets and her pain.

You may not be from life's forever,

But won't you be from future's better?

I may not know your grain entirely,

But I feel your branches deep inside of me.


I waited for you to discern me.


She may steal with envisions of lust,

But I deceived rapture's inception was us.

You may have triturated a dove riven,

But hope cleaves to wings ungiven.


I wait for you to discern me.

View hopelessly-candid's Full Portfolio
Seryddwr's picture

You mentioned in your profile

You mentioned in your profile page that this had been published---I take it you meant in a magazine or book?  Could you tell us where, and if it is still available for purchase?  And congratulations on your publication, that is a huge accomplishement, and you should be very pleased with yourself.

Seryddwr [ap Lloyd]

hopelessly-candid's picture

Thank you ^_^ I wish it was

Thank you ^_^ I wish it was more impressive than it actually is haha. It was published in a high school book of anthology with a bunch of other students. The company is Creative Communications. I appreciate your interest! :)

Seryddwr's picture

On the contrary, any

On the contrary, any publication is impressive, especially for a young poet.  You can put it on a college resume, and, if you have some dark nights where you doubt your ability (and we all have them), it will give you an anchor to cling to until the brighter morning.

Seryddwr [ap Lloyd]

LutherSeahand's picture

You're quite an old

You're quite an old soul.



hopelessly-candid's picture

hahaha... that is not the

hahaha... that is not the first time I've heard that xD... thank you for taking the time to read my work :)

Seryddwr's picture

I agree with that comment

I have only read two poems of yours, and already I am convinced that you have an old, and very wise, soul.  Again I have to admit, I would I could have accomplished what you have when I was your age.

Seryddwr [ap Lloyd]

hopelessly-candid's picture

Thank you very much ^_^! I've

Thank you very much ^_^! I've read a few of your works before, and I just think they're brilliant!

Seryddwr's picture

Thank you . . .

. . . for the kind words.  And keep writing your brilliance into poems.  I think you have a distinguished career ahead of you.

Seryddwr [ap Lloyd]

Whispers_From_The_Mind's picture

very nicely written

I love how deep you go. well written poem. just wondering where were you published. cant wait to read more. hope you can come read and comment on mine too.

hopelessly-candid's picture

thank you very much!.... i

thank you very much!.... i was published in a book of anthology specifically for high school students... i submitted it.. and it got chosen to be published... it's not as impressive as i would have liked it to be.. but it's a start ^_^

PeterChristopherRaymond's picture

I love the emotional weight

I love the emotional weight and density of your lines.

hopelessly-candid's picture

Thank u so much!!!! That

Thank u so much!!!! That means so much coming from you!!! Your poetry is absolutely brilliant!!!!!!

nightlight1220's picture

One should never count their

One should never count their chickens before they hatch.

The 'invisible' things....things like hope, have a purpose far beyond the perseverance and resiliency in a person they require to exist.



He flow of this is absolutely wonderful. I have rea it twice... (so far!! :-D )


...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


hopelessly-candid's picture

:)))) thank u so much!!! i

:)))) thank u so much!!! i wished there was a "like" button for comments on this site :D

Muin's picture

Good write... Keep

Good write...

Keep up....




hopelessly-candid's picture

i will thank u :))))

i will thank u so much:))))