WARNING: a majority of these poems contain profanity, depression, suicide and God-bashing. It is recommended that before proceding you should read and heed this warning and if any of these things offend you the you should exit this page right now. Thank you
Little Leprechaun
"Release" 4 - 3 - 01
I cry at night
for many reasons, you see
of Fright, of Fear
of treasons committed against me
many times Pain has knocked down my door
and tired am I of this life I implore
You I demand to release this sad and pained soul
I beg of you please to fill this hole
Death I call unto thee I seek
to relieve this body of the Pain it keeps
The scars are seen and cries are heard
no reply is given, no help ushered or served
I die in silence of Sorrow and Pain
I reject my body and whatever remained...
To the above critique's,,, actually he is really funning and loves to have fun.. sorry Josh have to add a few good things here and their:)
Many of us keep our pain buried deep within the dark recesses of our mind. We are so afraid to set free that which troubles our hearts and souls. The words shall set you free. Your writing makes me feel. The true poetic is one who makes the reader feel emotions. You are good.
You are such a bright little ray of sunshine. Nice poem man, I hope for your sake though you don't always feel so crappy. Take some Prozac or XTC man, it'll perk you right up. But anyways good writing, keep letting them emotions fly onto paper. Okay then bye bye now. Sincerely an illegal alien collecting social security...ummm I mean Monk13
This was a great piece...I know exactly how you felt when youw rote that. Keep up the writing I don't know about you but it's always helpful to me to get the thoughts into words...like a release of the pain
very moving and powerful piece!.....how in a world so big can one feel so alone....the answer Im unsure of??? stay safe :o)