
Hambre del Alma

I am wading knee high in
the worst of it
I am the bottom feeder that
is eaten by a big fat catfish,
Its smoothe belly digesting what is left
In the cold, deep water there is no reprieve
no hope, no bearable end
I find myself in a landslide, at the
tip of an old shore
grasping at the sand grains

I have that same dream every night.

It could mean something
but I have been yanked outside of myself and
I dont care anymore

its the muck and slime
and I cannot set my claws in to pull up
so I stare out the kitchen window and
pray that that man will come on tuesday to kill me
I want to see his festered core and
tell him that I have the same disease

I just choose to do nothing about it.

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I like the way you think, the way the flame burns across the parchment. I am new to this site, not new to poetry. Add me, please?
