A Closer Look

I'm remembering that memory again,

the one where I'm pacing hospital walls, warding

off the reek of feces and urine

Some are bleeding through their sheets, and their

feet have gangrene and their eyes are over-dosed

A man shows me his penis and a woman dangles shirtless

And they don't care, they have pills and morphine pumps

You know, I had one of those once

Every six minutes you excercise the benefit of

an opposable thumb

And the nurse will smile friendly and say "gee baby, does it hurt that


No darling. It never does.

But it's a right I have because I am here, and I'd rather be

driving up the East Coast

You carry that with you.

People place their lives in other people's hands, when

its people's hands that end life every single day

You think because he's a doctor and has eleven

years experience that he wont fuck up and cut the wrong thing

Take a closer look.

They even have machines managing heart rates.

Yeah because machines are flawless

Machines are smarter then gut and judgement

And you think because he's a doctor he doesn't have

nasty thoughts about your open mouth and naked body

See no amount of college can change the fact that we

are human beings

And if we were capable of Aushwitz, then, we are capable of anything.

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you write very well. honest, raw and powerful. always meaningful to read.
Avoid hospitals at all costs, mistakes are made there all the time that cost folks their lives. Its called "human error", but by whatever name they call it, or how human, you're just as dead.