It's been the longest time without you.
Don't know how I've survived without you.
But here I am, no doubt, without you.
It hurts to write this down.
Don't know how I've managed not to drown.
But here I am, so empty and so down.
It feels like my heart is bleeding.
Don't know how my soul is feeding.
But here I am, still breathing.
It's as though I'm being called.
Don't know how you're not appalled.
But here I am, curled and balled up at your feet--appalled.
It feels like I can't make amends.
Don't know how I haven't broken from the bends.
But here I am, bent and sent, caught within the trends.
It feels like we're here, coast to coast.
Don't know how, alone, I coast.
But here I am, alive, breathing--to the night we toast.
It's almost as though you're here with me.
Don't know how this could possibly be.
But here I am, unable to be, to breathe without you and me.