Everything gonna be alright now...

Too many times I've been told "Everything's gonna be alright now"
Only to realize nobody can tell me when or how
regardless i keep pushing on forward
don't want anyone saying i was a coward
I need to be able to say i faced things on
that i am trying to survive just like the song
i want to dream of big things
be prepared for what life may bring
i need to keep on moving up to the east side
making sure i make the right stop on this ride
don't worry be happy people say
but how many truly live like that, day-to-day
every step i take i have choices to make
so i think hard and long because its not only my life at stake.

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Famous words by people saying

Famous words by people saying Everything is going to be alright ...Why can't they tell you when or how to get by faster ..Keep your head up and eventualy it will get better .. Just have to keep your faith strong and your hopes high ... It will eventualy be alright...

you laugh at me because I am differant, I laugh at you because You are all the same ...(KoRn) J.D......