
There is nothing

we can measure beauty by.

Because it is a human made notion.

To give importance to those

things that attract our eyes & minds,

seems like a point of progression in our nature.

But if GOD created beauty,

it would be in the form of woman & man.

Man for it's symmetry, small curves & definite looks.

Woman for larger curves & larger breasts.

Light shine on our bodies when we are naked

and we seem more alike

than usual.

There is no gender,

but the true essence

of who we are as humans.

Joined we are stronger than

separated and love is the

glue that make us

a permanent fixture of beauty

in this world.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Tire of people defining themselves as female & male. We should see ourselves, not only as individuals, but as people that understand each other. Once we understand this,ourselves & our children will know, no limits to their imagination & reach our & theirs(children) true goals.

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great work .