Painted Picture


They look at me and see a perfect painted picture.

Someone who has it all under control.

But raging waves compress all thoughts im incapable of keeping out of my mind... I am lost.

I try to capture them and keep them close, but a breeze carries them away and they scatter...

Flailing through the wind as I am standing alone.

Static fills my brain which was once vacant with what kept my pieces mended.

I'm left hollow.

All I see is black and I drown in panic.

I sink deeper and deeper in this burning blood, trying to gasp for air but I feel my muscles tighten, my heart weaken...

and then my lungs collapse.

All at once i'm pounded with black hail.

My thoughts quickly refill my brain and I can't keep count.

I try to keep it all in order but I only can with a coping mechanism.

I dissociate.

Blood seeps through the cracks and I rid my body of waste and matter to make room for my overflowing thoughts.

A big gaping hole eats away at my flesh,

and I still manage to keep the image of a perfect painted picture in tact.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

2005: A poem that explained how I was feeling at that particular moment.

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Lauren Ellis's picture

I'm really glad you wrote this poem, it explains the situation so truthfully and in a perceptible way, making it very easy to understand how you're feeling, like a window to you're mind.
I know i have felt like this and still do with certain people.
keep posting, it's great stuff