Unadulterated Time


freckled flashes of unadulterated time

weigh heavy on my memory, and  my mind

I find myself ever chasing moments

that have already been ticked away

by the cruelty of a heavy handed clock


my yesterdays are littered with bursts of

heart pounding moments  that are

drenched in the aroma of days gone by

and I rise and fall beneath them all


I live in a moment I don’t understand

so simple yet so completely complicated

a life not forgotten but derailed

and I embrace it the only way I know how

……one step at a time


I pause between one more key stroke

and another moment slipping away

to validate my search for answers

but only uncertainty and confusion

continue to carve the detailed paths

through the interior of my soul


I would love to end this with

a revelation,

a breakthrough

a burst of undeniable positivity

that would eventually set me free

….break the chains that bind me


but the only light I can see is coming from

pinholes cascading spotlights

capturing moments already gone

and those dreams that dance

where the light doesn’t shine

are slowly disappearing

lost to the thinning veil of time



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Co3ru135c3n7's picture

Lady Raine, your main page

Lady Raine, your main page tells me you have not been onsite for four years.  You are certainly missed.  In commenting on this very beautiful poem, I noticed that two members of the PostPoems comunity, who are now deceased, have also commented.  We need you back, Lady Raine.


Jesster's picture



Copyright © JessterStarshine

allets's picture

I liked

that "pause between keystrokes..." All we can do is sail on time like a hard wind, going where it directs, adjusting to the new atmospheres, the views that let light come in varying degrees of luminesence. During pauses, we catch our breath before the leaf tumbles on a brisk breeze and we are off to neighboring arenas, towering cloud patterns surround us and we smile or weep or wait until another wind unwinds. D



word_man's picture

but in our memories they live

but in our memories they live forever

ron parrish