For so long I was strayed
Like a ship lost at sea
But now everything is changed
Now I walk under sunshine.
Confused before my soul
My heart so broken
The mind as well so tired
Now I found the river of life.
Now those days are gone
I had put all my sad memories
Regrets and pain under a shelf
They are buried like stepping stones.
For so long I searched for light
So blind I was I just stumbled in dark
So thirsty for life I chased the shadows
I had found again true love and light!
good, romantic, hopeful poem.... just leaves the reader feeling good. eric
Another great piece my friend. I truely believe that we have VERY disticive styles in writing when it comes to this particular subject. If you would stroll over to my little collection, my poems 'My Island' and 'From the shadows I came' are eeirely similar. Check 'em out!!