We spend our juices like an unguent forced up a fountain

To fall down into a burst of promise in the springtime; and

Then, comes summer when we continue to suckle like a bee.

Not only in the morning of summer when we greet the sea

Bushes; not only those summer days, so gentle around flowers;

But in those immense summer nights of visible starry happiness.

Nowhere beloved is there a world but within as we made it so;

For as Dylan Thomas so aptly said, the “force which up the green

Fuse drives the flower” is the life juice we infuse into each other.

Wasn’t it all a miracle that we, like angels, partook of the juice of

Life; an elixir not unlike the life breath breathed in us in the beginning

Of time. We made use of those bountiful spaces sprung up from life.

How awesome is life that that it remains extant since Adam and Eve;

How the tree of humanity with its myriad of leaves feels the pulse

From its primordial roots to the sky.  You and I rose to the sky.

If consciousness like stars all share this fluid we helped make it so.

Yes, you and I, though as mere kindling of this life force, feel the

Immensing of that conflagration during the ignition of one kiss.

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S74RW4RD's picture

Brilliantly written, especially the last six lines!
