Weren’t you always distracted by the annunciation of the beloved?

Remember when your heart first skipped a beat; a wave from the

Ocean rose toward you; and when framed emotion seemed immortal.

Suddenly, stars counted on you to sense them: a violin gave itself up

To you when you walked passed an open window.  These were but

Insipient eruptions of seeds waiting to flower into the bloom of love.

Yet, we do not love like flowers that bloom only in a single year; when

We feel these eruptions we believe it is love of an immemorial nature;

However, the shadows of that bloom also appear in the garden

We then begin to do things to outweigh the heaviness of sinking into sex.

A house is built around these feelings as if to corral the restlessness

Inside; there is progeny from these seeds which also must someday flower

Each embrace is a holding on; each kiss tries to hermetically seal in

What was the original calling.  More softly, more softly do we try to

Do something loving as if to mimic the petals of that first bloom.

We are not attuned like the migrating birds that sense the winds of fate.

Having arrived late with the winds of love, we are overtaken and get

Crowded and land our feet on some uncaring pond conscious of withering.

In all of these changes life continues in its splendor, remaining unaware of

Weakness because the grail of love is ever full and overflowing; it is only

The sense that love must be captured that inverts and empties the cup.

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This poem is timeless, peerless, without equal in the three decades that I have been reading poetry!
