O countours of emotion, we only know how this cathexis

Was formed from without before the heart’s curtain;

Inwardly we sketch a reality based on fulfillment.

Lovers proffer each other so many promised gifts;

A home, a family and a lifetime of devotion, however

The heart’s curtain parts during these solicitations.

Then, as the stage is set, the actor’s lines are changed

As we strut and strive toward a precarious future; this

Is how emotions shift shape and how we are molded.

The king and queen of hearts leave the royal chamber

And enter through the kitchen door where pots and pans

Pile up and the trash of yesterday enters the recycle bin.

Coming together like this we separate into all the changing

Seasons. From the center of our life and this onlooking,

See how the heart’s rose petals blossoms and shreds.

This is the way of nature’s cycles; a rise, a peak and

Then a decline.  All this recycling becomes fodder, for

In our original estimation contained emotional decimation.

We aught not to be frightened by this for all art is molded

By the contours of emotion and the perspicuity of the heart;

And, behind the heart’s curtain is a boon or a bane of love.

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saiom's picture

You outline very graphically tests in the art of
eternal love... your poetry is like a blessing rain..
or as Raymond Chandler says... 'a curtain of crystal beads'