My heart skips a beat to be with yours
But you don't notice, you don't care
Im always here, but you're always there
Connected once, but never-more
No idea what to do, or where to go
Wanting to get away, but I don't have the strength
You've weakened me,
Made me a pathetic has-been compared to who I was before
You used to make me feel so wondrous
What happened to those days?
Just us for hours
Nothing else needed
We would talk, laugh, love....
I really miss those days
But I have come to realize something amongst all this pain and anguish you continuously give to me;
I miss myself more
I miss who I was, how strong I was
Never afraid of anything life threw at me
I was afraid to open up to you, scared to love you
Not because of you, but because of what I'd been through
You said that it would be alright
What a fucking lie
I love you, I hate you, I can't live without you
But I have to
If I am ever going to heal these wounds,
If I am ever going to be me again,
I can't be who I am right now.
I can't be us for both of us
It hasn't worked yet, it isn't going to anytime soon either
Thinking seems to be a bane right now
But that will change, I just have to work at it
I have to continue on
Keep on trying
Not to fix what I have, but to build something new
This time, for me.
I really like this one.
I really like this one.
Thank you! That one was a
Thank you! That one was a breeze to do ^_^