"Ballad of the Little Boy's Pain"

His eyes are unbelievably pure

His essence as though scarred by experience, is the perfect mix of uncertain and sure.

His body, not perfect, but simply defined.

Who he represents is on the mountains of legends whose souls swim across the night sky

The values he has cannot be learned, but placed beneath the heart introduced to the world at birth

He's stubborn and at times afraid to love

A man, but unique and different from the rest.

He searches for himself in darkness at times, but the light of love holds his hands

He wants

He needs

He believes in his dreams, his goals, and his family

He trusts

He lusts

and at times his mistakes

fuels his fear of success

his journey, though difficult, is the necessity of learning

bruising him

pushing his limits

become his sword of

protection from the rejections and potholes of life

He wants to love

He wants to forgive

But experience shackles his optimism, carrying him farther away, plauging his dreams and at times giving him tears

That young boy, misses his mother, but loves her unconditionally

Searching for her acceptance

Trusts his dad and holds his hands

His dreams will come true

Your mother, little boy will forgive you

time, though long and uncertain, does heal wounds

He looks at life

though bleak at times

dims his pain

glimmers of hope and redemption guide his

ability to forgive

at the end of the day, he'll be okay

Be still, little boy, life isn't done with you.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I was inspired by a friend who was dealing with some personal issues with his mom. I'm not usually someone who shares their poetry, but I am learning to allow others into my mind. It's really scary having my poetry up. It's really personal to me.

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O_O Whoa!

I wasn't sure exactly what I was expecting when I clicked on this, but wow, my mind has been blown. This is magnificent! The wording is so beautiful, thorough, and projects such vivid imagery. This is a wonderful poem, a treasure honestly. I love the emotion in it as well. The title is great and the opening lines really brought me in. I was completely engaged the entire time. I know I shall come back and read this over and over again. I can't wait to see what you post next!!!