You mormons just dont get it, i dont want your stupid book, stop bothering me about it or ill toss ya in a brook and cook you all up in my stew and feed you at your stupid conventions during your colt or what have you. You hate me because im not one of you ? are you sure that thats the reason ? or is it because im different unique and dont feel like im in prison. Wearing your damn uniforms or ctr rings maybe i just dont get it but have u actually read your own book you would find it says some things , about how u are susposed to be kind, to others nomatter race or religion, but instead you turn your heads and make disgusted faces in unison. Well ill tell you what, i dont hate you but,when you go to hell im going to be locking the chambers your in, so dont ask for freedom or mercy from me your going to burn for eternity for all your hate and all your malaise u hypocritical people say dont drink from the chalice ! dont do this dont do that your evil and go to hell if u do but then i turn around and back and the next thing i knew there u are doing what you said i shouldnt, so whos gonna burn and who ist ? I thought so ! Bah to you hatebringers! As for those of you actually Choose the right like your sissly little rings state ! i suggest u begin to teach these people before they get shipped to hell in a crate.
JAMES I FREAKIN LOVE YOU! [not in 'that' way] but oh my gosh. feeling the same partner..we'll take down the army oh man.
that would be a taks.
haha shipped to hell in a crate. that's priceless. you crack me up. get back at me home skillet.
[it's healthy]
It's a little sad that you think that way, and I know that those who spoke to you about those things possibly did it a little too much. It's hard for those out in Utah, Mormon or not, basically because those who are Mormon, tend to think they're better than anyone else because they are in large numbers, and those who aren't Mormon, are sick and tired of hearing about all of it. I can understand that it would get annoying, but if you think about it, religious or not, there are people who may come across as bad, but you have to think about those others in the world. For instance, blacks have been rumored through out all history as more tempermental than whites, but if you know one black, chances are, not all of them are going to be that way. I have plenty of black friends. And there are a lot of whites that are bad as well. I'm not racist, so naturally, I'm not biased in religion. Not saying that you can't feel the way you feel, but perhaps you should tone it down a notch in order not to hurt others feelings? As one other comment requested, "Why judge these Mormons? Why not pray for them?", why don't you take that advice. Surely you know that yelling at someone to stop yelling isn't going to help anything at all. Take a humble and more sincere approach at it and decline peacefully, rather than bashing and things like that. It seems to make more sense, and it's certainly more mature and logical, so think about it if you really believe that writing these sorts of things will help anyone at all.
Hey I can really apprecaite this poem because I too live in Salt Lake City a.k.a. home of the mormons. Mormons are such hipocrites!!! Amen to this poem! Brillant!
Hehe yeah I like this one. It's very true though it isn't only Mormons who are at fault of this. Most religious poeple are, and they take it upon themselved to act self-righteous and save the world because thats what they think is there duty. They were meant to guide not shove the damn religious crap down your throat. Now why do you think there are so many people who stray away from religion now? Because they don't enjoy it it turned into a law, not everyone wants to follow all the rules or be placed into a cage. They want to be free. Lol yeah well I'm babbling but I love this one alot only thing I can say is maybe you should think about correcting the grammer and all, it's a tad hard to read. Or maybe I'm just that tired. =p Well tata for now!
i think i know what you're talking about... what i can't bear is that superficial friendliness without going any deeper.... and i absolutely dislike it when people tell me that i can't be happy the way i live because i live my life not the way they think i should - although they don't know... ;) - or that my grandfather is a bad person because he doesn't like the mormon church, and he's one of the best people alive... and that condemning which shouldn't be there in regard to the thing called 'love one another' and 'don't condemn anyone for it's god's job alone' and so on... don't get me wrong... i have friends in the church i love very much... but i can't be there anymore...
I was reading the titles of your poems and this one just popped out at me and so I had to read it and I tell ya I liked it alot but I got the impression you have a lot of hate inside of you but hey if thats what helps you write your poems keep it up
Why judge these mormons,why not pray for them?