My love

My love,
always treats me right.

He always is there for me,
in my time of need.

I may not know what love is,
but i sure enough found it.

Its been a month,
and i love you enough.

I hope we made the right choice,
of getting engaged.

But im not so sure,
of this anymore.

Please god i found my love,
but guide me the right way.

I dont want fights,
just love all around.

No evil,
just support.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this poem about my fiance! we have been dating enough and we have known each other since kindergarten but i dont know if i still want this or not! any suggestions??

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seastar3372's picture

trouble in paradise?

Sweety, Britt, Friend,
You are young. You are 14. You have tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons of time before you have to make a decsision like this. When I heard the news, I was happy for you,
but yet a part of felt like screaming: "WHAT IN THE WORLD!?!?! ARE YOU CRAZY!?!?! WE DONT NEED TO WORRY ABOUT THIS YET!!!!!"
Apart of me was jealous, you got propsed to...awwh how romantic. No guys ever done that to me xP
Apart of me was worried is she going to get hurt?
You have four more years of school before you even get to college sweety. You have no need to be so rash.
Be young, be free, date everyone! Date no one! Party, Get in trouble! Yet get good grades and stay in sports! and tie yourself together with a smile that hides the pains of a teenager.....not an adult.

poet610's picture


Great Advice from seastar, your Teens years are great and you learn a lot from them with all the pain, hurt, tears, and also joy, fun, frights, love, it turns you into the person your going to be for the rest of your adult life. experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson after. but this one you don't need at this age. there is lots of time for that in the years to come if you both still feel the same way. why rush it.