
I heard someone singing a song

That I've never heard before

Danny, it was lost to meaning

And I couldn't tell what it was for.

Now Danny, did you tell me stories?

Did you tell me truth or tell me lies?

Well, I thought I saw your words there

When I looked up into the skies.

He carried rainbows in his lyrics, and thunderstorms in his eyes.

His voice held the power of sunshine, and he was singing like he could fly.

I heard through an open window,

Danny, it was like a dream,

From the stories they told us

I thought I heard him sing…

At that moment I could feel the magic,

A nameless feeling so strong,

From a mountain range to the open plains,

And to rivers running so long.

From a countryside so beautiful, to oceans vast and deep,

Heroes and loved ones long since gone, their memories we still keep.

I heard him sing of all of them

And to all of them he did sing.

In return they gave him this song

That I heard him sing…

As he left I felt something sad

And I thought I heard him sigh.

But, Danny, I'd swear he left something with me

And I sang like I could fly.

I sang the words that were left with me. From where they came I do not know.

But the mountain and trees and rivers and seas taught my spirit to grow.

I heard someone singing a song,

That I haven't heard in years.

Dan, it's been so long since we said good-bye

And I can't hold back the tears

When I hear…

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Danny is no one in particular; it was just a name that fit.

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stustaub's picture

So touching and melancholy... the fictional "Danny" could be anyone, yet his presence is clear and sturdy. Very good work.