
Keith Whitacre

My Portfolio
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More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

Playing guitar, video games, hiking, bicycling, dining out, hostile takeovers of third world countries...the usual. I like cheese, not as much as Wallace, but enough. I've done some traveling in the past (was in the Coast Guard for six years) and have visited such exotic places like Alaska, Hawaii, Petropovlovsk-Kamchatskiy, and New Jersey. Grew up in Florida but ended up in Northern Cali. I miss the FL beaches and the thunderstorms, though. The rest of that state you can keep. I've studied Danzan Ryu Jujitsu and have met some really great people doing that. One being an incredible individual by the name of Steve Brumme ( Check out his web site!

Most of my poems are song lyrics and thus are written to music. But I think some work well as simple poems. Some of my influences are Rush, Metallica, Dio, Rush, Loreena McKennit, Rush, Dvorak, the paranormal, Rush...umm...did I mention Rush? Yes, I'm a big Rush fan.

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Member for
23 years 9 weeks