
In my mind I can see these things so clear

Though they’re so far from me

In my dreams I’ve held the light of day so near

Though I know it could never be

So far away: the light and I

Like the ocean from the sky

I’ve tried everything to fight back the fear

Yet it’s still here with me

Evil eyes

          Glaring through the rain

Telling lies

          That seep into my brain

Whispered words

          Full of pain and fear

Hinting secrets

          Of evil in the air

In my thoughts I’ve seen visions that scared me so

Please tell me that can’t be me

Am I evil? Is there a blackness in my soul?

Should I set these demons free?

So far, so deep the rivers go

But where they lead to even I don’t know

Day by day no outward sign I show

Though I know they would never see

Evil eyes

          Laughing at my pain

Telling lies

          Driving me insane

Bitter words

          The voices in my head

Hide away

          The things left unsaid

So far, how far am I gone?

An endless road, into the night I’m drawn

I’ve tried everything to find the reasons why

Though I know I will never see

Evil eyes

          That know me all too well

Telling lies

          That keep me in this hell

No more words

          Nothing more to say

Take this life from me

          Just let me go away

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This one is about betrayal and the feelings that (I had) arise from it.

View keithwhitacre's Full Portfolio
Never Can Let Go's picture

wonderful write!

stustaub's picture

By far my favorite; however,the Ancients is now creeping up on its neck now that I have the CD ;> Though I know towards whom this song is now pointed, it can still stand perfectly alone as a testament to every heart ever broken.