-Front Porch Rocker

Front Porch Rocker

Sitting on the front porch rocker,

I turn my face into the breeze.

The smell of rain is in the air.

Long blades of grass bend to the ground.

Trees with beckoning branches,

patiently waiting the first cooling drops.


I consider the clothes hanging on the line,

armless sleeves waving, legless pants walking.

Barefoot in the warm  grass, basket close by,

the  last of the clothes come down as thunder rolls.

Folding laundry on the porch, deeply breathing fresh air.

Raindrops gently singing on the tin roof.

The tempo of the rain increases.

Lightening illuminates the late afternoon sky.

Thunder punctuates the rhythm of the rain.

Temporary relief from the humidity.

Summer showers cleansing and refreshing.

Enjoying it all from the front porch rocker.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I love the rain....being able to sit on the front porch and watch it rain is simply delightful.

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djtj's picture

I like the legless pants walking Nice visual.

Shirley Roberts's picture

Oh I love this one,because I love the rain.Very well written.Almost felt I was sitting there with you.

onelilartist's picture

Could I please have a turn at rocking? I feel so exhausted today that his one was like Calgon--it took me away.

onelilartist's picture

Kim, I love the graphic!! That's just how I had it pictured in the first place. This is so good! I'm glad you added the pic.