
Poetry Challenge

            Walking in solitude thru the crowds

            Rain dampens my soul

            My heart forever wandering

            Searching for that one love

            Flying free on the wind

            Softly caressed by the sun's light

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Five words from Tim

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(Reply to Jessica)
Jess, well this isn't what I would consider as one of the challenges. But it is the way it got started for me. The players vary, of course, but this time, I had been chatting with this person online ( a perfect stranger to me) and after some time, I asked him for some words. From the 5 words he chose and the sense of his personality and feelings at that moment, this is the poem I wrote to "fit" him.

onelilartist's picture

I wish I didn't know that this was a challenge. It's just too special to be something evoked by five words. Yet, the idea was there inside your mind all along, wasn't it? Just waiting for the right door to open. I love this one.