-If I Should Die....


If I should die....

...would you write me to death?

Help me on this great journey into the unknown

with comforting words written down in a poem?

Calm my all my fears and allay all my sorrows....

Tell me of a place full of forever tomorrows?

Of warm rain and sunshine and nights full of stars

No jackhammers,  no tv's,  or horns blaring on cars.

A place of serenity and peace,  a soft place to lie down.

This place they call heaven  with my family around.

Where the grass is so green,  a sky the bluest of blues

Where family awaits, like they did me,  and will you.

The dark days have gone now,  my heart shall not fear

I take with me the love of those so wonderfully dear.

Say Good-bye  and send me, on this journey alone

For my heart holds on tightly  to the words of your poems.

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Nicholle Domicello's picture

Good stuff

Ma Yongbo's picture

poem indeed has the power to calm down ourselves.
she is a good company on our life journey


Hidden Illusion's picture

great poem....for some strange reason, this poem reminds me of my best friend. I just found out that he had a car crash last night and he's in a coma...cant visit him cuz he lives in my old town :( Anywayz, great poem.

Lesa Gay's picture

I think from talking with Jessica your name is Kimberly. Am I correct? I have a daughter named Kimberly.

This reminds of something I wrote just after I lost my best friend to Cancer last year. It was as if she was speaking to me and it touched me deeply. Her name was Inge, and she was always my mentor and was the one person that encouraged me to keep writing.

If you get a chance to visit me, there are several things Posted in her honor. I Have A Friend Peaceful Journey My Dear Friend Inge and the Caregiver a piece I wrote for her daughter Deseree that fought the fight of Cancer beside her mom every step of the way.

She always used to tell me that when the pain got great she would pick up her journels and read what I had writen and I could calm her fears. Your opening lines made me feel that she was telling me she was OK. Thanks.


TREXPATTON's picture

KAT, P L E A S E do write an "Author's Comment" on this piece so that I can critique it!!!! Rex.

"Poe" I'm not, nor "Rich" am I,
but I'll be famous, b'ye and b'ye !