When Death does us Part

Fun Poems

You didn’t want my serenades,

My offerings you shunned.

You slammed the door in my face

When I came with fresh-baked buns.

I wanted you to be with me

But you had other plans.

Now I scream so you will hear:

“I will be your man!”

I hate to be so rough with you,

To bind your hands so tight,

But it’s all worth it, in the end,

To have one erotic night.

You’re the only one for me!

I’ve rejected all the rest!

If I cannot have you while you live,

Then I’ll have you in death.

I’ll make the knife so very sharp,

I don’t want you in pain.

Please don’t look at me that way!

I swear I’m not insane!

Your body will be mine for aye,

To my will you’ll bow!

You rejected my advances,

But I bet you’re sorry now!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I had to write a love poem without using any of the words normally associated with love. This is one of three outcomes, and is the creepiest of the three. Try to imagine me reading this poem to my grade 11 English class. Now try to imagine the looks I started getting in the hallway.... Ah, the life of a poet.

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Crystal Price's picture

o.k i thought by reading some of your others i knew you were weird but i never thought you were creepy like that.

Ruth Lovejoy's picture

not the most cordial of ways to show love