If I was to listen to my TV, I might be obsessed with perfection
I might want a beautiful body or a silky smooth complexion.
I might lust for two enormous houses on a mountain top and shore
Each decorated by the finest designers in luxurious decors.
I’d want my pools to go on forever with waterfalls and a great views
With spas and underwater lights, and outdoor kitchens too
I’d drive a red Ferrari or any car that would astound
Wait, who needs a Ferrari, my chauffeur can drive me around.
I’d most likely be a famous athlete or perhaps a movie star
I might own an island in the Pacific and smoke Cuban cigars...
But when I look in the mirror if I take the time to pause
At my body and complexion...it seems I have some flaws.
My body, although adequate, seems to droop in the wrong place
And God knows what those spots are that have appeared upon my face.
The house Deborah and I inhabit is quite small, not to complain
But the laundry room’s unfinished and the street floods in the rain.
Deborah and I both drive Honda’s and although Honda’s never corrode
In our least expensive Hondas you can’t help but feel the road.
The money we make being teachers by the end of summer fades
Because teachers, believe it or not, during summers don’t get paid.
Then yesterday our family came for a visit (Bryan we Skyped on the phone)
And I have to smile when I stop and think how splendid my life has grown.
You see I’ve realized something about perfection as I have gotten older
Perfection, like beauty, it seems to me lies in the eye of the beholder.
As we sat together--on the walls of our house laughter was adorning
Now the kids are gone yet I still hear their laughter echoing this morning.
Deborah and I have each other and our children have happiness and health
From my perspective this morning I have to marvel at my wealth.
On television my life might not seem perfect...but I have to admit
In the real world I have a perfect life..at least from where I sit.