When we see our world crumbling…our emotions are in a blender.

We’re a mixture of heartbroken…depressed…sad and mad…

but then…

we discover little bits of love in the rubble

and begin to piece our life together again.


Yesterday I found some bits of love that brought a smile to my face…

surrounded by friends and family…in a place where horses race. 


Once a year we get together…we take up a lot of space…

It’s a mini family reunion…in a place where horses race.


Many of our family members were there…

some who we don’t often see…

as were friends who over the years have become our family.


Most of us came from Florida…

the east coast, west coast…and beyond… 

One person came from England and one from Belgium…

making that long flight across the pond.


We hugged…we talked…we laughed…

sharing the kind of memories you can’t replace…

picking up those little bits of love…

in a place where horses race.


I met a man, wearing a shirt exactly like mine… 

He and his wife were down from Chicago escaping the cold…

We even joined in a chorus of Happy Birthday

to a man who turned 90 years old.


Yes in times when we’re surrounded by hatred and prejudice and war

It’s nice to be reminded…what we were created for…


Like spending time with our family and friends….

making memories time cannot erase…

Like sharing little bits of love

in a place where horses race.

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