Our children are grown with lives of their own…they no longer need us to steer.

Our youngest grandchild is a senior in high school…while our eldest is getting married this year. 


How often these day it seems life is quickly passing us by

that moments slip from the present into the past in the blinking of an eye.


It’s funny when you think about it…where the present and past meet

is a moment in our lives that is often bittersweet.


The fact a moment is over so quickly is as bitter as can be

but it’s also sweet knowing that moment has become a memory.


A memory that is oftentimes a lot closer than we think

because when we want to see a particular memory…

all we have to do is blink. 


Yes, if we want to think about a memory that’s happened over the years

all we have to do is blink…and that memory appears.


And how often have we found in life that we are also prone 

how sometimes when we blink a random memory will pop up on its own.


We should consider ourselves lucky to have lived a life 

with a host of memories large and small….

memories we make each day that become tomorrow’s memories we recall.


It’s one of the reasons for our happiness…which today has got me thinking

about all the wonderful memories still to come…

as long as my eyes keep blinking.

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