When the old couple sees anyone hugging a puppy
they thank their lucky star above…
for they know there is nothing more innocent
more beautiful
more uncomplicated
than a little puppy love.
You see they fell in love as children…
people said it wouldn’t last
they told them they were mistaking love for friendship…
and in time their ‘love’ would pass.
They were still in love while together in school…
people said it wouldn’t last
"You’re mistaking real love for puppy love.” They said
“And puppy love won’t last.”
When they married and created a family
people stopped staying it wouldn’t last
Still, they knew to cherish every moment together as the years flew by so fast.
Their children are all grown now…
many grandchildren they’ve amassed
and they smile every time they kiss..
remembering how people told them it wouldn’t last.
Which is why they smile every time they see someone hugging a puppy
and thank their lucky star above…
for they know how long lasting
how enchanting a life can be…
that begins with puppy love.
They understood early how surprising
how wonderful
how extraordinary life could be….
and, looking back at their years together…
they know the puppy would agree.
Starwardized [fka Starward]