I feel blessed living within walking distance of the ocean…it’s as if my life’s enchanted…it is something I shall always cherish and will never take for granted.


I don’t quite know how to explain it but the ocean stirs in me feelings loud and strong…she cast a spell on me the first time that I saw her that will last my whole life long.


The ocean has a way…like many of God’s creations…to make my heart feel warm…to ignite my imagination.


In the morning as I near her…I can smell her saltiness in the air…and though I cannot see her in the darkness…it’s comforting to know she’s there. 


She will always have a special place in my heart…where my memories are saved…

of all the times I’ve walked along her shore…or danced upon her waves.


Her vastness humbles me…fills me with wonder and desire…

Her rhythm makes me feel alive…her beauty and artistry inspires


When I’ve felt sad, confused or lonely…when tears have filled my eyes…

I dream of a wave that will carry my troubles off…to where the ocean meets the sky.


She has been there to remind me…how…even though on her surface giant waves can form…with a little time and patience…there is a calm after every storm.


She has taught me about family…how our children…like the tides…are meant to float away…to soar…and we as parents are meant to welcome them with open arms when they return to shore.


My final thought is a simple one…from the moment I first saw her I was aware…

That once you’ve seen the ocean…no other water can compare.

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Your beautiful poem makes me miss California allthemore. Reading this brought me back.

peace, pot, tequila shot

Jesus loves us, stoned or not