We followed the path to the top of a hill 

not knowing what we might find

What we discovered was a lone headstone 

surrounded by a circle of pines.


There was only a last name written on it

neath the words… ’In memory of’

but all around the headstone

were other indicators of love.


How do we know this person was loved?

Because this headstone sits on a tiny hill

where it looks up and out at the mountains

where the air is surprisingly still.


We imagine friends of this person came together

and created this design…

a resting place with a beautiful view

shaded by a circle of pines.


There are no dates on the headstone

no way of knowing when this person was enshrined…

We guess it was a long time ago

judging by the height of the pines.


Over the years the pine needles have nestled

making a soft bed under the trees

It is a beautiful place to rest for a moment

or recline for an eternity.


And we feel blessed to have discovered

a place where the elements of nature intertwine…

to form such a beautiful memorial


in the midst of a circle of pines.

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