I ran across this hat yesterday… 

on a shelf in a store is where I spied it…

and after thinking about it for a moment…I knew I had to buy it.


It’s a nondescript black baseball cap with a message I found clever

It merely reads across the front…

these three words…

best day ever.


I found it while we were with old friends having a truly wonderful day.

It really was the best day ever…so I bought it right away.


Then I remembered the day before…

We were with some different friends…who

we laughed and had a wonderful time with…

It was the best day ever too.


And what about the day before that?

Near as I could tell…it was also filled with wonder…

It was the best day ever as well.


And what about tomorrow?

We’re having lunch with another friend whom Deborah and I adore.

It will no doubt be the best day ever…

just like the day before…


And so I wonder…could each day be the best day ever?

Better than this day…better than that?

If that’s the case then I’m so glad…


for I’ll be wearing the right hat.

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Now I want to see a picture

Now I want to see a picture of the hatWink