Time passes so quickly… like a river rushing by
A moments arises…then it slips away…in the twinkling of an eye.
When I want forget about time completely…into her river I’ll wade…
and I will dance upon her edges…for that’s where my memories are made.
These are the moments when time seems to slow down…to ease up…to relax…to crawl…
Yes, these are the moments when time itself…doesn’t seem to exist at all.
When I want to forget about time for a moment…I’ll dance on her edges and make her suspend…
I’ll read a good book, I’ll play with my family…I’ll have dinner with a friend.
I find at the end of these moments…because in these moments my heart has been touched…
time passed as quickly she always does…I just didn’t seem to notice as much.
So I will continue to dance on the edges of time…and be astounded by what I see…
Yes, I will continue dance on the edges of time…until time comes looking for me.